Monday, January 25, 2010

On 26th January 2010

Today is 26th of January 2010. On this day, since m0rning, a strange feeling is there in my mind. All around, in my hostel, patriotic songs are being played and I get pushed back to my school days. This day would mean a lot then. It still does, but the vent to express that is missing.

India became free in real sense when we got our constitution. This has been said again and again. But I feel, efforts to make people realise it have gone in vain or the efforts have been halfheartedly made. On republic day people should be made to understand why we needed our constitution, what the philosophy is that pillars our constitution. Their rights as well as their duties towards the nation should be made clear to them so that they are neither duped nor cross their limits while exercising their rights. Everyone should be clear about the concepts of unity, equality, brotherhood and sovereignty of the nation. They should be infused with courage to stand for the nation, to work for the nation.

The history that is being shaped nowadays compels me to say that the very concepts which we chose to govern ourselves have been kept aside. Disparities have been widened by our politicians themselves for electoral gains. One region prospers and the other suffers. 60 years wasn't a short time to achieve what we still haven't. Many countries had worse beginning than ours. Take the examples of Germany or Japan. They came out of their rubble to make their nation a great nation. South Africa came out of its apartheid problem very late if we compare it with the date we got our constitution. But now their is no division based on colour in the country. We still need to address this inequality issue in our country and this implies that the solution to the problem wasn't efficient enough.

I am not a cynic but, our country deserves more. It's also true that given the population and the diversity of our country the distance that we have covered is commendable. But if the social fabric were woven more intelligently, the history would have been different. Appeasement addresses the problem for a short time but it's not a permanent solution.

This country deserves more and let us toil to give it what was thought for at the beginning of the journey.

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